Human rights

 Is there justice for the refugees in Kenya?

An article published with "The Daily Nation,” Newspaper of the nation media group on 12 February 2012 states the proves of a research which brings Kenya out as the nation with the ugliest people in Africa.Mindless of the meaning 'ugly' carries, it reminds me of those days of road blocks all over Kenya where particularly refugees were targeted. Travels were with traveling documents issued by UNHCR which were satirically to be supported.
“Toa kitu kidogo,” or rather “Support your document.” With that money language, there is no point to deny that police had teeth for money.
There is a lame thought that refugees are wealthy factoring to looting in refugee camps of Daadab and Kakuma where refugees ran for rescue to save their little necks.

A looting scandal once investigated in Kakuma had looters entering somali home at night finding a mother feeding her baby amidst the night.
The looters broke into the house and began yelling, “Bring money.” This mosque mouse equaling other church mice in the camp could hardly produce a pound.
The looters shot a bullet through an innocent suckling baby to strike the mother beneath the breast.
The baby was gone and the mother was later well after treatment. Justice is not yet ensured.

The current government is a sigh of relief though touching borders is like touching the tail of a scorpion. This means Kenyan government has angelic eyes on refugees but personal difference frustrates the refugees up to date.
The splint still glows that refugees have money factoring to rise in market prices.
A friend, Atemba Rodgers told me, “Do you know that it's because of you refugees that everything even rental houses are expensive?”
I agreed because once witnessed a refugee, the price is doubled or rather tripled. Seeking of wealth in a day. Malice aforethought is an issue to hinder vision 2030 Kenyans are foreseeing. Should they go for other market research not this, then what exactly will vision 2030 stand for?
Miss Milicent Makhoka, a Lecturer at Mount Kenya University-Eldoret Campus advised me to be walking with Atemba whenever I need to buy anything in the market because we, the refugees don't bargain.
I heard it right leaving a patch on us refugees for not bargaining and in other words self-betraying.

Last year was an investigation in Kapsoya, Eldoret. A boy who brought his family from South Sudan rented a house and because it was the only house at hand, he was forced to pay rent of 13, 500 Kshs and a deposit of 27, 000 Kshs apart from extra pay of 3, 000 Kshs to the agent and water and electricity deposit of 4, 000 Kshs. This was 41, 200 Kshs in total paid at once in a month.
The bills continued to be 1, 500 Kshs each for water and electricity and forcibly the landlord persisted to be receiving double the rent and stay for two more months to receive money again.
In July, 2011 the house was vacated and the family wanted their deposit of 13, 500 Kshs they didn't use refunded. The landlord refused claiming the money was left with the agent Mr. Patrick Chacha. The landlord, Mr. Amos Muga was reported to the area chief and the chief said determined that he would solve the case. It brought in nagging just like taking a brother chased after into your house and scatter dust around the house so that whoever comes in search is blinded.
The Chief blocked the decision to take a mobile phone and chairs instead of the unpaid money from the agent, Chacha said to refund the deposit by the landlord because he had spent the money. It was planning ahead for tiredness till the case was averted when both Chacha and Amos had escaped.
Justice is not ensured.

Then two gentlemen fought and one was injured in the same estate Kapsoya, Eldoret. The attacked reported the case to Kapsoya police post where the police even wondered why the case not first solved in the community was taken to them. The attacked wanted money he had wasted on transport to the hospital in a taxi instead of public bus to be compensated.
But the attacker who was arrested spent a night in jail and bailed out because the case was to no defined direction. He wasn't taken to court for judgment to be passed therefore bringing no sense of him jailed.
Later the case was solved and the gentleman who bailed the attacker out was taken doubting the outcome of the case.
The police officer in-charge of the post asked, “Is the case over?”
The fighters agreed.
“To whom shall I give the money?” asked the officer again.
To the attacked.
He removed the money and gave it to the attacked.
The gentleman who paid the bail was aghast!
“This is my first time to see this!” he exclaimed.

This is what refugees could say all, that they could hardly expect a bail refunded.
Whenever you go researching about refugees all over Kenya, you will find frustration caused by most of the Kenya nationals to refugees higher than soothing. The refugees are prone to betrayal that the degree of justice may be tenthly below.
Looking forward if justice could be ensured is the fact and let the question spark, “Is there Justice for the refugees in Kenya?”
Automatically you will understand money being the gleaming light to safer sight and a cure of stomach ulcers here, beware!

Riots at the incentives Paypoint at social services in Kakuma

By Nyak Simon and Sabbath De Yecouba

The start of payment for LWF staffs was today. Workers for LWF humanitarian units refused to receive their incentives today, the third of February, 2011 at quarter to nine at social services where they conduct weekly meetings.

This group which rioted comprised: Gender and community empowerment, Child protection, Youth and sport development, peace education, case workers and cleaners under LWF community services. This is because the finance officer eagerly wanted to pay them their usual amount (Shs. 3,5OO), ignoring pay increment they promised in last year proposal and counterparts and supervisors above that amount. They were in a meeting with their supervisors and counterpart managers who usually prepare pay rolls.
These leaders briefed their fellow workers not to take money if theirs couldn't be increased equaling the rest of refugees working with other units of LWF and other humanitarian organizations.

It was then when the finance officer came and asked if any of those units was ready for payment. These frustrated workers with their leaders insisted to finish their meeting first. Later, the meeting was over and none bothered to talk with the officer.
They dispersed and the counterparts and supervisors remained writing an official letter to the office of LWF reporting this violation of their rights. Journalists in attendance were denied information by counterparts and supervisors, saying they were not recognized although they are refugees unless they have documents. They said they cannot give information to be posted on the website like what Kakuma News Bulletin(Kanebu) did.

These leaders said it(increment) was documented and hence was to be respected. Waiting for the feedback, t
he finance officer got frightened when each and everyone was leaving. Policemen were surprised. One police roamed if he could be told what was happening yet none wanted to. In comparison with national staffs, refugees are underpaid. Payment for nationals ranges from fifteen thousands to Forty thousands. For sure, work done is equal. These nationals do say they host families and have children whose school fees they pay. Even refugees have families to support. It's not known if it's why they go with that huge pay accusing refugees of getting  free food.

This has not just began. It had been for years including delay in payments for two to three months.This was specifically under LWF.

The next group which was promised too, received at teachers resource center their incentives with increment. These included schools in zones two and four like Kadugli, Turkwel Pre-school, SNE staff, directors office, Kakuma refugee secondary school and Pre-school counterparts which fall under LWF education department. Not only them but also workers for other organizations based in Kakuma.

Discussion is still on and these workers have not had their pays up to now while still working serving the community like advised by Gender counterpart manager who led the meeting. Outcome is anticipated but not known exactly when.

Nyak Simon; is a child development worker, working with LWF community services: child protection unit.

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