UNHCR in collaboration with OPM and Samaritan's purse have downsized the food ration given to refugees in Kiryandongo refugee settlement. 10 family heads share one sack of sorghum. 1 person
receives 16 cups of sorghum, 2 cups of beans, 1 cup of oil and 2 cups of
porridge only to receive the same quantity next month.
Tito Gatmai, a refugee in Kiryandongo complained that this food is too little for his survival. Food crisis among refugees in Kiryandongo refugee settlement
started in early May when Samaritan’s purse refused to give food
to refugees who had not shown up at the food distribution site.
Those refugees stormed WFP compound that the police fired tear gas at them. Others miss it if they
are employed and cannot find time to go and receive food. Their food remains until the complaints day when there may be high chances of missing
it again.
After the first camp commandant was transferred to the new camp in Yumbe, northern Uganda, the new camp commandant introduced this budget cut for the old refugees who have stayed since 2014. Yumbe camp was created due to influx of refugees during and after the J1
conflict in Juba, the number of refugees rose significantly.
made up their minds to create a new settlement in Yumbe. Although the
population has been reduced, food is still limited and land given to refugees is small and cannot support farming very well due to unfavorable climate.
The camp commandant does not give traveling documents and the only document given by the commissioner for refugees in Kampala cannot be got by refugees. It costs 120, 000 Ugx. The camp has limited water sources in lieu of no courts where refugee cases are settled.
Refugees are totally disadvantaged against nationals with respect to crimes. Kiryandongo refugee settlement is located between Kampala and Gulu in the mid-western Uganda, below are some of the rights that refugees should enjoy.
- Right to life, liberty and security of person
- Right to seek and enjoy asylum
- Freedom from torture, or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
- Freedom from slavery or servitude
- Recognition as a person before the law
- Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
- Freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention
- Freedom from arbitrary interference in privacy, home and family
- Freedom of opinion and expression
- Right to be educated
- Right to participate in the cultural life of a community

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