South Sudan

School Overcrowding in Unity State foreseen to cause atrocities

Nyak Simon Lieth, Juba

The minister for higher education in the government of unity state, Them Machar Kuol, said school children in state are likely to experience atrocities for overcrowding in classes because of fewer schools which don’t accommodate maximum number of both primary pupils and secondary students.Overcrowding in school is a bad situation that can risk children lives. 

In case of air bone diseases one may have in the class, definitely it can affect majority of them.
Unity state has performed better this year holding the second position in national examination 2011, final results in Sudan School Certificate (S.S.C) with 93% who have successfully passed above average. The state have three hundred and eighty one primary, one hundred and ten nursery schools, eleven secondary schools, one college and one university under renovation that will be officially opened next year. 
Almost four hundred and two are the total schools which now exist in the state. Education is operating smoothly; using the same system being applied in the entire nation. 
This year results were admirable; he reiterated speaking to citizen reporter in the inclusive interview on Tuesday. 
“Although, we have a problem of mobility those are common obstacles in South Sudan,” he explained.
His ministry has employed four hundred and fifty two teachers around the state since last year, because there is lack of qualified teachers who can equip the children with adequate abilities. Some teachers could not speak English those are the challenges the government stressed to eradicate.
The governments have managed to send some teachers to Malakal who have completed what he described as “face and face two.” Others have been taken to Yei; moreover ‘Windle Trust’ was playing huge role conducting training within the state.
The state is under strategic plans to constructing more schools.
“Each and very county shall be given one primary and one secondary,” he said. 
The government and non-governmental organizations were facilitating those programs in order to equip them with basic knowledge so that they will be able to teach children with essential teaching abilities.
The nation is happy since she got independence on July 9th. He appealed to the government to schedule common syllabus for possible learning. 
Unity state was never performing better like this, compared to previous years.  “Under my ministry, I congratulate Kiir and the people of South Sudan for courage amidst difficulties went through,” the minister concluded.

Goss Sends Five Delegates to Abyei and South Kordofan Says: Minister.

By Simon Lieth Nyak

The minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management in the government of South Sudan, James Kok Ruei, has sent a team of five humanitarian workers to assess Abyei and South Kordofan on sixth June.

According to the statement released by the minister to The Citizen reporter in his office, in distinct interview; he said Goss delegated the team for satisfactory assessment on the war crimes in Abyei and South Kordofan.

Ruei said, “we have not yet obtained clear picture of both disputed areas, and soon humanitarian organizations will automatically intervene when the delegates shall return with full evidences.”

 The mandated team should have to conduct further investigations first and foremost on human rights violation by the Northern government and he did not specify when the humanitarian body shall return.

Although Northern government normally denies regular attacks on innocent civilians in oil rich region, investigations are going on unabated.  
“NCP denies atrocities fundamentally and continuously committed and accomplished genocides since 1955,” he alleged.

The government of South had already intervened, delivering services of the relief food, tents and other items to the internally displaced persons in both effected areas. The international non-governmental organizations concerned have their eyebrows raised.

“Our intervention as humanitarian agency is to assist vulnerable people,” he illustrated.

Students Union Delegates call GOSS for Funds Relocation.

By Nyak Simon Lieth
President of South Sudan students union Mr. Thon chagai leading union delegates comprising vice president, minister for external affairs, parliamentary deputy speaker and three other officials urged the government to legitimately fund relocation of union projects.

According to president’s statement, on interviews with citizen reporters, he outlined two projects basically anticipating funding opportunity from the government.

“Our main purpose of representing our vision is the funding opportunity from the government of South Sudan. The union delegates represented these projects that facilitate the youth conference for the end of year under the theme: The way forward for the youth,” he said.

Funding issue was the major challenge experienced by union since the government had been giving one time support for the last triple of years.

President further explained, since union aims at students’ voice and unity where we are working in collaboration with various students in Kenya, Ethiopia and western countries; we urge the government
for consideration towards our project.

The union played pivotal role by empowering vulnerable students who have no support elsewhere. Mr. Chagai alleged the current policy of ministry of high education on what he term as “one time support and
failure to sponsor 2010 intake of university students, rather supporting the local investors.

“It is extremely embarrassing if students are kept at home; when they are not going to East Africa. Our youth were loitering on the streets regularly due to lack of employment,” Chagai stressed.

 Students annually graduated, yet ending up jobless. The government and international non governmental organizations developed negative attitude by ignoring these Southerners and only believed in
mere foreigners.

 People were employed according to what he described as “tribalism and nepotism” not work competence.

 Mr. Thon pointed out, my union works on the unity and welfare of the students. He urged the control government and states governors to allow the undergraduate and researchers to teach voluntarily
especially in secondary and primary schools as part of their intensive work researches.

“Student doesn’t need money. Appreciation can depend on you. The new nation has no qualified teachers for educational capacity building. We were eager to upgrade children, but the government was rarely recognizing us,” he complained.

 Thon urged the government of South Sudan to embark accountability and transparency in new nation; which will launch on 9th of July.
“If the nation achieves independence with tribalism and nepotism; such political propaganda will take us nowhere,” he criticized.

He congratulated the hard work and essential governance by the government within the six years interim period.
“It was your commitment. If you did not make it; South Sudan could have been turned elsewhere,” he explained.

Mr. Thon urged his fellow South Sudanese to maintain peace until 9th July. “Although Abyei people are suffering, dialogue shall be used as our main tool to normalize such human violations,” he stressed.

 Unity state clashes are part of Abyei that needs huge intervention. Therefore government should be the solution in any circumstance the nation encounters.

 Mr. President also said, students are facing many problems in Uganda.

Therefore he called upon the government intervention; to reach bilateral dialogue with Uganda government on students’ torture and in and out visa charging with constant fifty dollars on the way.

He said, South Sudan students are now contributing a lot to Uganda economic growth, but Ugandans don’t appreciate.

“Development sectors of sure state project aiming with theme of “ways forward” for the youth and
behavioral changes, health and sensitization of awareness to students and returnees, is our main objective,” the parliamentary speaker, Haak Madol added. “We are making HIV and AIDS awareness in Diaspora in order for students to protect themselves from such incurable disease.”

Haak comments, the government is supreme to reach any solution because there is need for justice and democracy in the new-born country.

He acknowledged individualism on reconciliation and memorandum of understanding in those controversial clashes. The union condemns the rebellion of George Athor and Peter Gatdet risking the lives of innocent citizens.

Minister for students’ affairs, Stephen Lubang, urged the whole nation to keep on praying for the issue of Abyei and other areas dominated by militia groups.

Curfew clashes and property looting strikes Mayom residents

By Nyak Simon Lieth: Juba

26 people have died in four consecutive attacks from militia groups when Peter Gatdet emotionally shifted the government of South Sudan.

Clashes occurred in Mankinn on 20th and 21st of this month, between SPLA soldiers and
militia groups loyal to rebel Gatdet.
Gatdet has political speculation from the Northern government.

Since the onset of this fight, one director, three soldiers were killed: Fourteen soldiers injured from SPLA side…the rest from their opponents. The relief food which was brought by the world food programs (WFP), for the internally displaced persons was allegedly looted.

Gatdet joined the Northern government which decentralized Kush people, “South Sudanese,” in the last civil war which displaced more than twenty thousands from their homes.

Mayom commissioner, Unity sate under the government of South
Sudan condemned the militia inhuman and exaggerates internal diversity
in the South escalating crimes against the innocent people.

He said the four looming attacks in particular geographical county to be legally executed as sorts of injustice to human merits.

Four police were moreover killed by land mines: nine of them injured in random land mines planted by rebels in Unity state.
According to Charles Machieng Kual, Mayom commissioner last week, the curfew clashes impact into mysterious civilian property looting.

Charles described an action taken by the SPLA Soldiers as a
“contradictory element accelerating the desertification of innocent
He pointed out SPLA soldiers’ mood desiring civilian materials was
anonymous to their commander.

The commissioner asked where they would survive in the rainy season, therefore urging the government to intervene in order to save citizens not looting.

Six Policemen Involved in Torturing Form Four Student

By Nyak Simon Lieth

Six policemen, dressed in non uniform, carrying one Motorola, were involved in torturing one of the form four students almost to death last week in Muniki administration office. The perpetrators who harassed the student were operating in police base adjacent to Nyakuron cultural centre and Juba university computers lab of science
and technology.

Denis Khanis Joseph, erudite: Jonglei national secondary school in
Juba, disclosed his harm and torturing to the citizen, that the student has wounds on his face and arm. He was describing the situation as “public frustration.”

He said, “Human right is not observable, torturing like this can automatically cause a trauma, as soon as his final examination kickoff comes November. Why do our police fail to respect students’ dignity?”

This is harmful torturing that can contribute towards failure in exams.

He complimented, policemen had tortured him because he attempted to
chase one of his fellow South Sudanese, a business lady called Nura
Abdullah, who rented his house as a local restaurant with three
hundred Sudanese pounds (300 SDG) per month. Nura embarrassed him; as an
uncooperative business person who encourages alcoholism in privileged
business restaurant where he grantee her to operate.

Denis narrated: he used to advise women to get rid of shish and
alcoholism which always brings internal issues between them and the
police. The policemen eventually came drunk until they totally and perhaps anonymously emerged with puzzling criminality against him.

He noted when that woman violated to implementation of the compromised rules;
after couple of months, he decided to let Nura go. This was due to her
indiscipline against his rules and regulations of not keeping the
peaceful atmosphere between her customers and the ownership.

Joseph accused the police, “As the main organ of human right abuses
and manipulates the rights of the citizens, it is not applicable to public

He appealed to the government of South Sudan, to employ literate
police who could be able to read the amendment of national laws to
respect the nation’s dignity and sustenance of individual principles. He
further condemned the police, not to be influential and interfere
with civilian affairs.

Khanis reiterated any police who doesn’t know their roles, while
serving the citizens, is great lost to the new nation which is to be
born nevertheless. According to Khanis, Police are important people with accountabilities in the government. They are supposed to follow up the right procedures,
maintain laws and order and protect citizens’ rights not

He argued government to enhance police capacity building in order for
them to understand their roles in public services. This is viewed that abuse of human
rights can simply cause tribalism, injustice and rare democracy.

Upper Nile youth revealed to conduct peace campaign

Nyak Simon Lieth, Juba

The Nuer peace council, “NPC,” revealed, they are prioritized to brood the will of
the people, treasure their need and determination. Upper Nile
region shall never despite peace say, let us call a day for

The scheduled conference for upper Nile peace capacity building will

be due in the first week of June in Jonglei state. The NPC In
collaboration with USAID and PACT Sudan are doing the proposals for up
coming peace campaign conference as focal point to the new nation.

NPC is conducted yearly for credible peace and to educate indigenous citizens

who experience mysteries.  The NPC programs
coordinator, Gatwech Koak Nyuon elaborated this information on
Wednesday, eleventh May, 2011 in an interview with the citizen reporter in his office.

The conference pledges significant changes to the nation; like the two

conferences which were held in 2004, after the comprehensive agreement
and 2006. “We wrote a book called peace negotiation in
Pangak (duol mala Nuera ka pangak),” Said Koak.

He noted, the conference specific target will adhere to tribal

conflict, early marriage, Girl-child education, cattle raiding,
disarmament, political resistance, corruption and many other issues.
They use various mechanisms to address peace.
“Children abduction and cattle raiding, that had frustrated many people in upper
Nile region desire credible dialogue,” he pointed out. “We shall invite distinguished guests and stakeholders who will attend that conference and advise people wisely on consequences of internal
Those categories will be politicians, village elders and leaders, activists, chiefs and church leaders.

The NPC have to mobilize the youth not to be an alliance of George Athor and Peter Gatdet who often encourage militia against innocent citizens in their opinion. They say time has come for the nation to eradicate puzzles, agony and instability.”

“Grassroots need peace,” the coordinator passed his own judgment. “Youth are the youth, civilians are the civilians: any political ideology exercised by higher ranking politician against the central

government: no need for the youth to get involved.”

 He further analyzed, their campaigning for peace capacity building
comprise internal core values such as education, water, and
sanitation agent, HIV AIDS and conducive atmosphere to
indigenous communities.

The organization is campaigning tirelessly for maximum peace. They have stood firm and made sure their target are affected areas such as Jonglei, Uror and Unity state to achieve objectives of the organization.

He addressed that society anticipates peace, not only Nuer.
Koak complimented, they used to conduct conferences for
what he described as “block making” that can bring peaceful
co-existence among youth.

Gatwech finalized, he acted in movies and made videos for what he term as

the black right organization for will of the nation system technology
for the new education (Brownstone), in order to standardize

"Our resources: significant if we know how to use them"

Minister's take on the utilization of internal resources:

Nyak Simon Lieth: Juba, South Sudan

The minister for Animals and fisheries in the government of South Sudan, Hon. Martha Nyalok Tiong Gatluak analyzed the initiative for work progress in her ministry in 2010 up to 2011.

"My ministry had sacrificed working extraordinarily                                      
to make use of our internal resources in South Sudan,"  she said. "We are doing a lot of strategies                    programmed for the animals and fisheries
preservation. We are fighting natural poverty."

The minister advanced that the government has valued
minerals in order for South Sudanese to invest in them moreover, benefiting from these privileges

The aim of the ministry is to empower South Sudan communities with good services. She expressed this ministerial vision, while speaking on third May, last week to, “The Citizen” newspaper-Journalist in her office in Gudele Estate approximately three kilometers away from Juba main ministries.

“Our veterinaries were eventually working well treating the animals and fisheries in River Nile for better utility by South Sudan citizens,” she explained.

She spoke out animals served South Sudanese during poverty plight in two decades civil war. These people are said to have been depending on agriculture. These referred to are the indigenous communities residing both in rural and urban centers who should get use of resources even in the urban centers.

No pasteurized and powdered milk, or caned fish is got produced in South Sudan.

Business people among which are, the South Sudanese import pasteurized and powdered milk as well as caned fish among other commodities since the birth of Comprehensive Peace Agreement, “C.P.A,” signed in Naivasha, Kenya in 2005.

“Now we are no longer encouraging people to continue importing goods from other countries. We should not buy from countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Republic of Congo, “D.R.C” etcetera.” She said.

She argued some more, the government of South Sudan should precisely mobilize its citizens to focus on their gifts, example being fisheries along the Nile.

“Our resources are the most significant if we know how to use them rather than wasting importing resources from neighboring countries,” she cried out.

Her ministry shall soon establish a conducive marketing environment for butchers in the entire South Sudan.
“These days, cattle shall not be slaughtered any how; whereas fisheries shouldn't be manipulated randomly.” she stressed. “We will associate all the activities and sustain an attractive atmosphere to the foreigners.”

The ministry at the moment has no completed implementation of scheduled strategies and planning due to lack of money. Although the ministry had experienced some impressive challenges, within mean time everything will be perfect after declaration of independence.

She said, they are requesting monopolizing of international non governmental Organizations operating in South Sudan, to enhance setting up of factories for liaising team to work as empowerment of the ministry.

Martha called upon all the citizens to unite with common harmony so that the government of South Sudan will be able to tackle obstacles; and achieve self determination. She condemned criticism and political ideologies applied by the civilians against the government. “There is a need for your coming together, and deserve the dignity and interests of the new nation,” she concluded.

Her target is to let South Sudanese eschew tribal clashes since they had plebiscite overwhelmingly during referendum to accomplish the broken vision during devastation propaganda.

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