Scarification is not a race
My heart is
ever itching
My system
fails to imagine
I am not a
rebel but my front scars victimize me
I know it
is neither my birth certificate nor nationality
I feel
guilty in my own house
My mind
ever remains in motion
It’s my
cultural impact
I am not
I am an
observer of my true colour
Leave my
scars alone!
They are
not my pump
But I know
I will never retreat but it will make you fail
suspect me because of my scars;
suspicion will result to your downfall
Keep on
reminding your senses
is interaction
I have what
my in-laws carry
It is not
my definition
After we
leave from here
You will
recognize me
A real
citizen must enjoy the given cultures
It is mine
and it will always be
I remain
indoors because of your misunderstanding
Remember I
toiled to liberate you from your inevitable misery
So that you
become your current shape
You think
about me when it’s time of maturity
The time
whereby manhood is reflected
I am almost
becoming tired of your innocence
Change and
we shall be brothers
Wenne Madyt Dengs ©2013
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