Sudanese National Identity cards shock bankers
South Sudanese cry foul in neighboring countries with Arabic writings on their national IDs.
Bankers who are Arabic illegible fail to recognize these IDs claiming they are invalid calling for passports which when not given let these people end up unpaid.
One is urged to call the sender to change receiver’s name for the name of someone they think has a valid ID.
Only banks with Arabic literate bankers surely can serve.
This has developed even into refusal of Safaricom's M-Pesa agents to pay their clients.
Coming to opening of bank accounts in these foreign countries, some banks rather prefer to use school IDs to open accounts for students where as others don’t entertain such.
Confiding in the fact that these are the original IDs, ends in a lie.
To them who won’t afford a passport and if afford it can’t renew it when it expires, it remains shocking.
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