Judge by The Time

Overview of the poem:

“Weird to be judged
Mercilessly by invented
History of ancestral
Life from the past history,” this introduction ways to the meat of the matter.

“But they forgot
That diversity and nature
Have classified them,” this part mirrors the argument and the mood.

“The history
Of divide and rule
Was invented
Some years ago,” defines the horrendous history

“And initiated by
The enemy of
Diversity and nature
They should realize
That the world has changed
Cohesiveness was the victory,” brings out cohesiveness warranted by historic diversity and nature keeping minds in that corner yet the world honours rights.

“World has changed,” means it’s not in support of the invented horrendous history.

“Being judged by history is bad
They should prove
The revolving history
Is wrong,” this brings out the argument vividly and summarizes the theme.

Irony applied

“For the peace divide,” contradicts the statement, ‘divide and rule,’ which stands as a puzzle.
“So misjudgment has occurred,” shows the concealed is in lime light so they think misjudgment has occurred.

These are not hyperbolic

·         Believe should be belief
·         Has should be have
This is because diversity and nature are two items though joined with a conjunction, ‘and,’ must take have in my opinion.
·         Remain should be remains
Because true identity is a single item thus goes with present simple(singular)

Summary of the poem
Even if truth is hidden, it comes to lime light in spite of reticence, whatsoever: better revealed earlier.

Poem in full

Judge by The Time
By Miyar De'Nyok
Posted by Akurdit Ezekiel: poetry from South Sudan

Weird to be judged
Mercilessly by invented
History of ancestral
Life from the past history
Their generations
Were born to that
Horrendous history
So they are judged by
That ancestral believe
But they forgot
That diversity and nature
Has classified them
Even if they withered 
Their true identity
Remain defined
The history
Of divide and rule
Was invented
Some years ago
And initiated by
The enemy of
Diversity and nature
They should realize
That the world has changed
Cohesiveness was the victory
For the peace divide
They enjoy today
So misjudgment has occurred
Being judged by the history is bad
They should prove
The revolving history
Is wrong


  1. Thank you very much for analyzing my poem. This poem describes how South Sudanese have been misjudged by their courterpart northerners.

    Miyar De'Nyok


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