Rubbish heeds bear dire frustration

Hatred enveloped in Southern Sudan is a dire frustration. Easy cases which need heeds are wrongly settled to create sorrow.  Who has not talked about it yet it worsens.

Cattle rustling, kidnapping of children and wars based on ethnicity, lands, towns and fisheries are many. Young people learn these from the aged. They may say during their time they were not defeated so their property was not taken. A peaceful child is a coward and disgrace in the history of Southern Sudanese. These people are acquainted to this fighting habit and narration to perfection of indigenous livelihood. Most don’t fight rightfully.

The recent chaos I heard about some days back has many casualties on both sides of these warring communities. This chaos basically was caused by a town and a fishery which were said to have been given to a single community rendering the other without. They had to fight not to be losers.

Blames, wherever I passed go to the lawyer who solved this case. Intelligent heed could have been to let the Government own towns seen to be causing chaos. It’s easier to read attitude of the competent people as a savant. It should have been made a public town and the fishery too.

To earn fame, needs one to be neutral. My people take sides which doesn’t favour the people at all. Leaders have no obligation to be selective.

I call it weakness of chiefs, Payam administration as well as the county administration. Who kept anonymous the information for the people to fight? One of these leaders should have known this before it happened. If the information was passed, the government would have decided sooner and remedy the fuming atmosphere.

Leaders can exercise their powers to stop chaos, that’s their role. Young people are killed too by what is stressed by parents. They may say they were powerful at their time that they were not defeated and their belongings. This way, young people will think they need to show strength while they end up killing or losing their loved ones. Fighting is a boomerang. If not killed you receive sorrow. Leaders who light this fire don’t know they lose their clients.

This fight has had casualties on both sides in Twic East County. My fear is that what happens wherever wreaks havoc wherever the warring parties are living worldwide.

It’s not the first time to lose lives in Twic East County and Bor County. It’s annual. Fighting has no privilege.

I beg leaders to do something to protect the people in that part of southern Sudan. We should not be losing people we love every time and remain less privileged


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